1. Wash Your Windshield Wipers with Ammonia
If your windshield wiper blades get dirty, they’ll streak the glass instead of keeping it clean and clear. Make a solution of 1/4 cup household ammonia to 1 litre cold water. Gently lift the blades, and wipe both sides with a soft cloth or paper towel soaked in the solution. Then wipe the blades with a dry cloth before lowering them into place.
Here are 20 new ways to put ammonia to work around the house.

2. Clean Your Car with Baking Soda
Pour 1/4 cup baking soda into a gallon-sized (4-litre) jug, then add 1/4 cup dishwashing liquid, and enough water to fill the jug almost to the top. Screw on the cap, shake well, and store the concentrate for later use. When it comes time to wash the car, shake the jug vigorously and then pour 1 cup of cleaner base into a 2-litre bucket. Fill the pail with warm water, stir to mix, and your homemade cleaning solution is ready to use.
Make sure to check out 5 Things to Do with Baking Soda.

3. Clean Oil Residue with Cream of Tartar
In many rural areas, so-called oil roads (some unpaved, others semi-paved) are sprayed with oil to control blowing sand and dust. If you find yourself driving along one of these back roads, your windshield may end up coated with oily grime. To cut through the muck, sprinkle cream of tartar over the windshield, and then wipe the glass down with soapy water, rinse well, and dry.
Cleaning away your car’s winter grime is no easy task, but we’ve found five handy household items to keep your ride looking great all year long.

4. Clean Your Interior with Rubbing Alcohol
Mix rubbing alcohol and water in equal parts into a spray bottle to help keep your interior clean as a whistle. The mix can be used on most dashboards and dials, but do your best to keep it off any fabric.
These unconventional tips will help get rid of car smells and keep unwanted odours at bay.

5. Use Ammonia to Clean Your Windows
Add 1/4 cup household ammonia to 1 litre water, pour it into a plastic bottle with a water-tight cap, and keep it in your car for washing the windows. As soon as your windows begin to get dirty, take out the solution and apply it with a sponge; then dry the windows with a soft cloth or paper towels.
Check out 10 DIY Car Wash Tricks and Tips.