ConditionsThis is the Fastest Rising Cancer in Canada In the battle against cancer, Canada is making progress. Lung cancer is down, thanks to a dropping smoking rate, and breast cancer is killing fewer women, due to better screening and treatments. But liver cancer is a different story.
ConditionsMagic Mushrooms May Help People with Terminal Cancer Hallucinogens are the next medical frontier. Believers claim they can cure everything from pain and depression to obesity and addictions.
ConditionsThis Is Why Pancreatic Cancer Is So Hard to Treat Pancreatic cancer is difficult to treat largely because the early signs are vague, the cancer is highly aggressive and no screening test exists yet. But the future is starting to look hopeful.
Healthy LivingCancer Research: Advances in Genomics In 1997, Nobel laureate Dr. Michael Smith had a dream: to create Canada’s first genomic research centre dedicated to the study of cancer, in British Columbia. Here are the latest developments in that research.
Healthy LivingANGELYC Raises Money for Lymphoma Research BC Cancer Foundation donors gave the ANGLEYC Project its wings last month, donating $2.6 million for lymphoma research at the Foundation’s Inspiration Gala.
Culture20 Canadian Heroes You Might Not Know About—But Should A celebration of the great trailblazers, visionaries and inventors who’ve shaped our country.
ConditionsDoes Shark Cartilage Really Help Arthritis Sufferers? Shark cartilage is a popular supplement for the relief of arthritis and joint pain, but does it actually work? Here’s what we found out.
Best Tips50 Popular Life Hacks From the Internet That Just Don’t Work Brushing your teeth with charcoal will get rid of stains—along with your tooth enamel.
Healthy LivingMedical News You Need to Read This Week From state-of-the-art treatments to the latest discoveries, these medical news stories can have a positive impact on your life.