Weirdest Cat Breeds

Cats are some of the most exotic and beautiful-looking creatures in the world. But some breeds are truly bizarre. These strange kitties really are the cat’s meow.

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The Sphynx, a breed of cat with very little hair, originated in Toronto in 1966.

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Because of a naturally occurring genetic mutation, Munchkins have abnormally short legs compared to other felines. But that doesn’t stop them from doing what other cats do. They run, leap, and climb as well as any normal-sized cat. In fact, their spines are almost indistinguishable from other cats, and they rdon’t suffer from the many spinal problems that are common in short-legged dogs like Dachshunds. The Munchkin is considered a sweet-natured, playful, and intelligent cat that responds well to being handled.

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Because the Manx has long hind legs, hardly any tail, and more of a hop than a stride, some suggested it was the offspring of a cat and a rabbit. But the Manx is, of course, a breed of cat with a natural spine mutation, which causes it to have either no tail or a very short tail. Manx cats are known as skilled, fearless hunters that will take down much larger prey-even when they are young. They are often sought by farmers with rodent problems.

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The Peterbald is an affectionate, adventurous, and energetic breed that grows very attached to their owners, often following them around the house. Peterbalds are good with other cats, pets, and children. They are slim and elegant with almond-shaped eyes. Because of a hair-loss gene, they can be born either bald or with hair, though those born with hair can lose it over time.

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Scottish Fold

Scottish Fold

The Scottish Fold is a breed of cat with a natural dominant-gene mutation that causes its ears to bend forward and down towards the front of its head. The original Scottish Fold was a white barn cat named Susie, who was found at a farm in Perthshire, Scotland, in 1961. Scottish Folds are a limited breed and all Scottish Fold cats share a common ancestry to Susie. These little furballs are playful and affectionate. Their distinctive physical and personality traits make them a highly sought-after pet.

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Maine Coon

Maine Coon

Because of the Maine Coon’s large size and furry tail, folks tales wrongly hold that it descended from raccoon-cat hybrids. Native to the state of Maine, Maine Coons are one of the oldest natural breeds in North America and are one of the largest breeds of domestic cats. Males can weigh anywhere between 15 and 25 lb (6.8 and 11 kg) and can reach a length of up to 40 inches (100 cm), including the tail.

Growing up doesn’t come too fast with these cats, which do not reach their full size until they are around three or four years old. These cats are often referred to as “gentle giants,” loyal to their families but independent, cautious but not unfriendly around strangers. They also seem to have a fascination with water, which, according to another folk tale, stems from their naval ancestry.

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Though the Sphynx appears to be a hairless cat, it is actually covered with very short, fine hair, similar to peach fuzz. Sphynxes are known to be extroverted, full of energy, and affectionate, especially towards their owners. It’s recommended that Sphynx cats not be allowed outdoors unattended, as they don’t conserve heat very well in cold weather. They are also prone to sunburns.

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Asian Leopard Cat

Asian Leopard Cat

The Asian Leopard Cat is a small wild cat from Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent. Found in various habitats-including tropical forests, pine forests, second-growth woodlands, semi-deserts, and agricultural regions-they are skillful tree climbers and swimmers. Keeping a Leopard Cat as a pet is possible, but only with a license. Asian Leopard Cats are often mated with domestic cats to produce a hybrid offspring known as a Bengal Cat.

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Selkirk Rex

Selkirk Rex

The Curly Sue of felines, even the Selkirk Rex’s whiskers are curled. Selkirks’ coats are very soft with a woolly look and loose, unstructured curls. The Selkirk Rex originated in Montana in 1987 when an unusually coated kitten was born and then placed with a Persian breeder. They are said to be patient and cuddly.

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Ugly Bat Boy

Ugly Bat Boy

Ugly Bat Boy-or just “Uggs”for short-is a bizarre-looking cat that lives at the Exeter Veterinary Hospital in New Hampshire. He is completely bald except for the long, flowing fur on his chest that resembles a lion’s mane, and he has a rat-like tail. His owner, veterinarian Stephen Bassett, says that he is normal in every way-except for his ugliness. He was part of a litter of four with a sister that looked just like him, but she died as a kitten. Dr. Bassett claims, “He’s not a rare breed, but rather a genetic mystery.”

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  1. The Best Cat Breed For You
  2. World’s Oldest Pets
  3. Fat Cat Workout

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