
Discover the latest health news, along with practical tips on how to adopt a healthy lifestyle by improving your diet and moving more. From proven home remedies to advice on managing and preventing chronic health conditions, we’ll keep you looking and feeling your best.

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11 Things You Didn’t Know Could Slow Down Aging

The fountain of youth isn't a myth: You can actually delay the aging process with these lifestyle choices.

10 Clear Signs You Could Have Overactive Bladder

Do you always need to know where the toilets are, just in case? This and other symptoms may mean you...

This Farmer Was Crushed By a Cow—And It Saved His Life

A second CT scan revealed something much more serious than a compressed abdomen...

Drinking This Much Coffee a Day Could Help Burn Fat

Hint: It has to do with the caffeine.

Now That Schools Are Reopening, Will I Ever See My Grandkids?

As we near the reopening of schools in Canada, Dr. Isaac Bogoch explains what we can expect—and how to stay...

I’m Resisting the Return to Pre-Pandemic “Normal.” Here’s Why You Should Too

Phase three, I tell anyone who’ll listen, is based on economics, not epidemiology. The virus is very much still here.

5 Surprising Things a Beard Can Reveal About Your Health

Your beard is trying to tell you something about your health. Are you listening?

Everything You Need to Know About Tonsil Stones

Just one more reason your dentist was right about flossing—learn the six signs of tonsil stones and what to do...

25 Ways to Relax That Don’t Cost a Cent

Got no chill? Here's how to relax and unwind today.

What to Do When You Find a Tick in Your House

...And tips on how to prevent it from happening in the first place.

The Reason Why Princess Diana Got Her Iconic Short Haircut

From her outfits to her hairstyles, the People's Princess really set a precedent for style. Here's the story behind Princess...

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What the Anti-Mask Movement Needs to Know About COVID-19

Calgary physician organizer Dr. Amy Tan explains how to clean your mask, which kind to choose and why wearing one...

The Scientific Reason You Are (Or Aren’t) a Mosquito Magnet

Constantly swarmed by mosquitoes? Here's why.

Here’s What Spider Bites Look Like—and When to Call the Doctor

Spiders are probably more scared of you than you are of them, but if you do get bitten, here's the...

This Is Why Some People Are Ticklish—and Others Aren’t

Ever wonder why some people are ticklish, while others aren't? Or why you can't tickle yourself? Check out the fascinating...

7 Spots You’re Probably Forgetting to Apply Sunscreen

You always get your arms and legs, but what about these other body parts?

7 Reasons Why You Should Never Wear Flip-Flops

Flip-flops are fine for crossing the beach, but you should never make them your go-to summer shoes.

If You Have Bumps on Your Tongue, Here’s What They Could Mean

They could be caused by anything from stress to an autoimmune disease.

How to Handle Social Distancing Rule Breakers, According to Etiquette Experts

Faced with a rampant rule breaker? These tips will keep your safety—and your dignity—covered.

8 Effective Pressure Points for Headaches

Relieving tension, stress, and soreness is literally in your hands.

The Surprising Health Benefits of Stress-Baking

All that stress-baking you've been doing during these uncertain times? Turns out it's the next best thing to actual therapy.

What You Should Know About Safer Sex

Whether you're single or in a relationship, here's what you need to know in order to have a happy, safe...

5 Surprising Diseases That Eye Exams Can Detect

Your eyes are a window to the soul—and your general health.

9 Surprising—and Completely Normal—Reasons Your Heart Is Racing

A racing heart may seem like a troublesome problem, but in most cases, it's a normal response to something else...

What Does Poison Ivy Look Like? How to Identify and Avoid It

About 85 per cent of people are allergic to this poisonous plant. If you're one of them, avoid irritating rashes...

12 Home Remedies for Bug Bites That Actually Work

If you're looking to relieve the sting and itch of bug bites without the use of harsh chemicals, give these...

12 Totally Gross (But Normal) Things Your Body Does Every Morning

No matter how brushed and scrubbed you are before bedtime, you probably still wake up with at least some of...

5 Ways to Soothe Pink Eye Symptoms

Viral pink eye-also known as conjunctivitis-can't be cured by conventional antibiotics. Although the condition will ultimately go away on its...

10 Things Dentists Always Do to Prevent Tooth Decay

Tooth decay can make for complicated, expensive and painful dental visits. Here's what dentists do to stay out of the...