The Serious Downside to Sleeping in on Weekends
It's tempting to use the weekend as a way to catch up on lost sleep during the work week, but...

Iceland Is No Longer the Healthiest Country in the World
Can you guess which country took its place? We'll give you a hint: it wasn't Canada, which came in 16th...

The Science of Resilience: How to Overcome Life’s Setbacks
Although you may hope for nothing but happy circumstances in your life, everyone experiences hardship or loss from time to...

12 Weird Things That Make People Sneeze
A glass of wine, a workout, the mere thought of sex? Seriously, all three of those can trigger sneezing fits—here's...

This Animal Kills the Most Humans Every Year—and It’s Not the One You’re Thinking Of
The world's deadliest animals aren't lions, tigers, or bears. This species is much more common—and it's thriving in your backyard....

This Is How Much Fibre You Should Eat to Prevent Disease
Hint: You're probably not eating enough.

This is the Dirtiest Thing on Restaurant Tables
You know the kitchen at home is clean, but what about the tables you eat at when dining out? ABC...

This Is Why You Can’t Smell Yourself
You don't think about your nose getting tired, but when it's exposed to the same smell for a while, that's...

Fewer Than 50 People in the World Have This Incredibly Rare Blood Type
This blood type is so rare that scientists call it “golden”—but the pretty name masks the fact that this type...

Reading in This Font Could Improve Your Memory
Here’s a science-backed—and totally simple—way to remember more of what you read.

The Dangerous Reason You Shouldn’t Pick Your Nose
Digging for gold could do more harm than good.

6 Questions You’ve Always Wanted to Ask About Cannabis, Answered
Increase your knowledge of this soon-to-be-legal product.

This Is the Exact Age When the Average Person Is Most Confident
Move over, 20-year-olds! You’re going to have to wait a few decades to feel your most confident.

Relieve Arthritis Pain—Today and Every Day
Don’t let pain keep you from doing the things you love.

10 Foods That Can Make You Look Older
Look younger by avoiding these foods whenever possible.

This is the Leading Cause of Injury to Seniors—And It’s Often Preventable
It happens to nearly 30 per cent of adults over the age of 65 each year, and sends more seniors...

13 Things Dentists Never Put in Their Mouth
Dentists see countless patients each year who broke teeth because they chomped on the wrong thing—food or otherwise. Here are...

50 Ways to Avoid Catching a Cold This Season
Although getting sick as winter approaches seems inevitable, there are actually lots of things you can do to reduce your...

What Your Birthdate Reveals About Your Personality
Why rely on a pseudoscience like astrology when actual published scientific research can predict your future?

50 Facts That Will Make You Stop Using Plastic
Plastic is not only killing marine animals and ecosystems, but countless studies show it's hazardous to human health. These shocking...

12 Water Safety Tips Adults Don’t Follow—But Should
There were 466 drownings in Canada in 2013, according to the 2016 edition of the Canadian Drowning Report. Water safety...

23 Tips for a Truly Restorative and Stress-Free Weekend
Reclaim your weekend!

25 Surprising Things Your Dreams Reveal About You
Ever wonder what those crazy dreams could mean? Here's what dream analysis can predict about your personality and your physical...

11 Signs Your Workplace Is Toxic
Your work environment can make a huge impact on your health, which is why it's so important to ensure that...

15 Medical Discoveries You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner
Did you know that vegans and vegetarians score higher than meat eaters on scales measuring depression? We've rounded up the...

3 Ways To Keep Caring in an Age of Cynicism—and Change the World
Creating positive change in your life, and helping to change the world at large, might hinge on how well you...

16 Signs of Evolution You Can Still Find on Your Body
We've come a long way from hunting and gathering, but certain physical traits and natural reactions remind us of our...

4 Dos and Don’ts for Tick Removal
Protect yourself from Lyme disease, Powassan, Rocky mountain fever and other tick-borne illnesses by mastering tick removal in four simple...

The Serious Reason Why You Need to Sleep in the Dark
If you tend to spend half of the night in the living room, drifting in and out of sleep in...