6 Surprising Health Benefits of Licorice
You might think of licorice as just a candy, but the potent herb has health benefits that go beyond just...

10 Impressive Health Benefits of Oregano Oil
Fight cancer, prevent mosquito bites, heal bruises, and more.

How Climate Change is Making You Sick
Canada is heating up twice as fast as the world's average—and the climate change crisis is already affecting our physical...

7 Unexpected Ways Fish Oil Benefits Your Health
It’s packed with omega-3 fatty acids, and according to studies, it may help with a range of medical conditions. Read...

Dream Deprivation Is Just as Unhealthy as Sleep Deprivation—Here’s Why
To sleep, perchance to dream? Actually, we're dreaming less than ever and the deprivation could open the door to all...

7 Proven Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is more than a diet—it may help slow the aging process, lower your risk for cardiovascular disease and...

13 Natural Heartburn Home Remedies Everyone Should Know
Here are a few things you can do for heartburn relief that don’t involve over-the-counter prescriptions.

9 Myths About Skin Tags You Need to Stop Believing
They’re mysterious little creatures and they can be pretty embarrassing during swimsuit season, but skin tags are mostly fine. Mostly.

Never Keep This in Your Bedroom
Get rid of these things from your bedroom and watch your sleep and quality of life improve.

10 Health Tweaks You Need to Make in Your 40s
There's no denying it: You've reached middle age, and your body is responding in some new and unpredictable ways. Time...

10 Things You Shouldn’t Touch at All-You-Can-Eat Buffets
Here’s how you can enjoy the experience at tempting buffets while minimizing the risk to your health.

This Is Why You Should Never Refill Your Plastic Water Bottle
We’re all guilty—but the consequences can be seriously harmful to your health.

How to Express Your Anger the Right Way
Getting angry can be good for you—if you do it right. Here's how to harness your rage and reap the...

10 Problems All Coffee Lovers Understand—and How to Fix Them
Your afternoon latte might seem like a lifesaver, but its actually wreaking havoc on your teeth, stomach and wallet.

7 Sneaky Things Your Voice Can Predict About Your Personality and Health
It's not just what you say—it's what you sound like when you say it.

13 Things Paramedics Want You to Know
From on-the-job secrets to knowing how to handle heart emergencies, here's everything paramedics want you to know about their profession.

11 Things Mosquitoes Don’t Want You to Know
With summer in full swing, read these secrets about mosquitoes before heading out for some fun in the sun.

13 Things You Should Know About Donating Blood
Donating blood is more important than you think.

20 Dining Etiquette Rules No One Follows Anymore
Sorry, Emily Post. These dining etiquette rules are officially outdated.

Ageism Might Make You Grow Older Faster, According to New Research
Ageism isn't as benign as you think: your opinion about what it means to be elderly can determine whether your...

Can These Common Home Safety Hazards Actually Kill You?
Just how dangerous is it to plug in a toaster with wet hands, or to eat a silica gel packet?...

13 Times You’re Overusing Hand Sanitizer
Attention, germaphobes! Sometimes hand sanitizer just isn't going to cut it—these situations may call for a good old fashioned hand-washing.

Confirmed—Talking to Yourself Is Actually a Good Thing
Talking to yourself doesn’t mean you’re crazy. In fact, science approves of it!

How to Stop Procrastinating and Live a Happier Life
You can procrastinate about nearly anything: unappealing tasks, like dental appointments, or enjoyable tasks, like planning vacations. Everyone does it...

8 Ways Beer Is Actually Good for You
Who knew?! From helping your heart to fighting cavities, a daily brewski (or two) can boost your health.

10 Secret Signs You Could Use the Help of a Therapist
Have you ever considered seeking the help of a therapist? If these common conditions sound familiar, perhaps you should.

What Is Fish Oil Actually Good For?
Tons of vitamins and supplements crowd shelves with various health and wellness claims. Fish oil supplements are a popular one—but...

Eating This Much Meat a Day Could Seriously Shorten Your Lifespan
A new study will make you rethink eating a lot of red meat.

How to Calm Down: 24 Things to Do When You’re Angry
Are you an angry bird? Try these simple tricks to chill and think before you act.