Healthy Living14 Diseases You Can Prevent Just by Washing Your Hands To ward off everything from simple respiratory illnesses to deadly infectious diseases, this hygiene basic is the key to keeping you healthy.
Healthy LivingIf You Aren’t Washing Your Hands After Touching Money, This Will Convince You to Start This gives a whole new meaning to the term “dirty money.”
Healthy Living10 Ways You’re Washing Your Hands Wrong Improper handwashing can leave you susceptible to germs. Make sure you’re not making common hand-washing mistakes.
Best TipsHandy Mayonnaise Hacks You’ll Wish You’d Known Sooner If you’re only slathering mayo on your sandwiches, you’re tapping just a fraction of its potential.
Maintenance13 Car Washing Tips the Pros Don’t Want You to Know Want to get your car gleaming—without the professional price tag? Try these secrets to get that fresh-from-the-car-wash feel right at home.
Healthy LivingThis is the Most Hygienic Way to Dry Your Hands Yes, drying your hands is just as important as washing them.
Healthy LivingHandling a Loved One’s Incontinence: 3 Tips for Caregivers Follow these easy steps for caring for your loved one and the skin they’re in.
Healthy LivingHealth Alert: Hand Sanitizer Lasts Hours Less Than You Thought It Did The germ-killing standby might not be as effective as you thought.
Healthy LivingWash Your Hands Immediately After Touching These 10 Things Washing your hands is a given if you want to avoid germs—but it’s especially important after touching these microbe magnets.