
Can CBN Really Help You Sleep? I Tested It to Find Out

Sleep-challenged writer Leah Rumack tested CBN—a non-intoxicating cannabis compound—to see if it helps with rest and relaxation.

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30 Old-Time Home Remedies That Actually Work

Honey to heal a wound. Cherries for gout. Cod-liver oil— blech!—to keep your eyes healthy. Your grandmother and her doctors...

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Name That Rash: 6 Common Skin Conditions (and How to Treat Them)

You know it's a rash, but what's causing it? Here’s how to tell a patch of psoriasis from a bout...

Can CBD Treat Anxiety, Chronic Pain and Stress? I Tried It To Find Out

Some experts believe the non-intoxicating cannabis compound can cure anxiety, chronic pain, sleeplessness and a thousand other problems. I decided...

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If You Aren’t Drinking Green Tea Every Day, This Might Convince You to Start

Put the kettle on—we're raising a cup to the health benefits of green tea.

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Never Do This When Taking Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is packed with health benefits, but there is a right and wrong way to use it—and in...

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What Your Burps Can Reveal About Your Health

While most burping is perfectly normal, it can also be the sign of an underlying medical issue. Find out what...

Healthy Habits to Cope With Stress

It's hardly surprising that anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues across Canada. Although stress is unavoidable,...

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How to Make It Through Winter When You Suffer From Seasonal Depression

Whether you've got seasonal affective disorder or the darker, colder months simply get you down, try these science-backed ways to...

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How to Embrace Your Fears And Become a More Courageous Person

Follow this three-step plan to find the bravery you need to move forward.

6 Sneaky Things That Trigger IBS Symptoms

Contrary to popular belief, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is not caused by your diet. However, these seven factors could serve...

Heartburn Is on the Rise in Canada—Here’s How You Can Avoid It

More stress brings more heartburn, but there are easy ways to beat it.

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7 Ulcer-Friendly Foods to Help Soothe Your Stomach

Most ulcers aren't caused directly by stress but by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is why ulcers are often treated...

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10 Secrets to Healthy Skin That Glows

Beauty, as the saying goes, is only skin-deep—but the importance of skin goes a lot deeper. Here are 10 glowing...

The Most Common Types of Headaches—and How to Cure Them

Use our symptom sorter to identify which type of headache is giving you grief, along with expert advice on how...

7 Natural Remedies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome goes beyond general tiredness and impacts your days, mood and energy. Here are the best natural options...

How to Sweat Less This Summer

Sweating is good—up to a point. Here's how to control it.

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10 Natural Concentration-Boosters

In our modern, fast-paced world, multi-tasking is concentration's biggest foe. Slow down and follow some of these strategies to bring...

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50 Natural Remedies That Really Work

From acne to allergies, you can probably find a cure for what ails you in your cupboards! Here are some...

7 Reasons Why You Should Never Wear Flip-Flops

Flip-flops are fine for crossing the beach, but you should never make them your go-to summer shoes.

8 Effective Pressure Points for Headaches

Relieving tension, stress, and soreness is literally in your hands.

12 Totally Gross (But Normal) Things Your Body Does Every Morning

No matter how brushed and scrubbed you are before bedtime, you probably still wake up with at least some of...

7 Innocent Habits That Practically Guarantee Your Acne Will Scar

First you had to deal with acne, and now the scar won't let you forget. Here's how to stop that...

How Decluttering My Home Cured My Insomnia

A woman with insomnia reveals how the sleep disorder left her feeling exhausted, depressed and overwhelmed. Then she discovered the...

11 Solutions for Seasonal Allergies You Need to Try

Seasonal allergies can cause a range of uncomfortable symptoms. You might be able to avoid them with the help of...

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30+ Great Tips for Skin That Naturally Glows

Healthy, beautiful skin is only steps away—find out how to make your skin glow naturally with these expert tips.

Coronavirus Products That Aren’t Worth Your Money—And Could Even Be Dangerous

They're unproven, overpriced, and sometimes even dangerous.

The 7 Different Types of Stress—and How to Ease Them

Mental health experts reveal how to cope with different types of stress, from ambient anxiety to money troubles.

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12 Home Remedies for a Stuffy Nose

These all-natural cures should provide relief from the pressure and pain of stuffy nose.

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14 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

While the uses for white vinegar are plentiful, apple cider vinegar has arguably even more applications—some people have turned to...

17 Natural Cold Remedies That Really Work

Turn your kitchen cabinet into a medicine cabinet with these home remedies for colds that feature herbs, spices, and other...