Heart Attack

Your Alarm Clock Could Give You a Heart Attack!

To avoid high blood pressure in the morning, here's how science suggests you can make a tweak for a healthier rise-and-shine.

The Worst Foods for Your Heart

Loaded with trans fats, refined grains and sugar, these foods can contribute to heart disease and other cardiovascular issues.

I Thought I Needed a Nap. Turns Out, I Was Having a Heart Attack

Not every heart attack is sudden and intense. This Elvis impersonator—and silent heart attack survivor—shares how skipping a nap saved...

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Meet the Real Canadian Heroes

Nine extraordinary stories of kindness, compassion and full-on bravery.

8 Chest Pains You Might Mistake for a Heart Attack

Chest pains can be scary—and you should call 911 if you think you're having a heart attack—but there are many...

Is Your Chest Pain a Heart Attack or Anxiety?

When you experience a painful sensation near your heart, it's natural to have chest pain anxiety and worry about what...

How Doctors Are Mending Broken Hearts

Rapid and more effective treatments at  specialist cardiology centers are curbing Europe’s No. 1 killer

Health Breakthroughs for a New Year

From cancer to migraines to arthritis, some exciting advances in early diagnosis and treatments