7 Ways to Stop Your Dog From Sniffing

Does your dog have a bad habit of sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong? Try these no-fail tips to get your pup’s behaviour under control and stop him from sniffing everything.

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How to Stop Your Dog from Sniffing

How to Stop Your Dog from Sniffing

Dogs use their sense of smell to understand the world around them, which is why they can’t stop sniffing. Your jog in the park with your dog presents dozens of points of information indicating the physical and emotional well-being of your dog’s doggie pals, as well as the people who live with them. It tells them what flowers are about to sprout and the types of pests nibbling on their delicate stems.

Although such an organ is downright miraculous, there are times when you might want to keep your dog from sniffing. After all, many of us have suffered embarrassment when our dog sniffed another person a bit too, um, personally. Take these tips to get the curious snout under control.

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 1. Take Your Dog For a Walk

1. Take Your Dog For a Walk

Give your four-legged friend some exercise in the dog park prior to any event so she’ll be tuckered out and her nose will be sated.

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 2. Give Your Dog an Alternative

2. Give Your Dog an Alternative

If you’re expecting to meet a new person or be in a situation in which your dog will be inclined to sniff, offer a diversion in the form of a treat or a hand-clap, or rein in her leash.

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3. Get Creative

3. Get Creative

Hide kibble in food-containing toys around your house and have your dog sniff out her dinner.

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 4. Plan a Treasure Hunt for Your Dog

4. Plan a Treasure Hunt for Your Dog

Exceptional Canine’s resident trainer, Stacy Braslau-Schneck, recommends scattering your dog’s kibble in the backyard grass. Working to find the kibble exercises your dog’s nose, provides some physical activity, and keeps your dog mentally engaged.

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 5. Crate-Train Your Dog

5. Crate-Train Your Dog

By crate-training your dog, she’ll have a comfy place that is all hers to call home while you have company. By making it a comfortable place for her, she’ll willingly stay out of the way during a social event. 

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6. Take Your Dog on Nose-Friendly Walks

6. Take Your Dog on Nose-Friendly Walks

Any oppurtunity to use positive reinforcement when training your dog is good. Never reprimand your pet physically or force it to follow your commands, as this may lead to fear and aggression.

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7. Keep it Fresh

7. Keep it Fresh

Offer new and interesting scents to help satiate that curious nose. If you’ve been to the beach or to a zoo, let your dog sniff your shoes or pant legs.

Check out more pet care tips!

Want to travel with your four-legged friend? Here are 10 dog-friendly vacation destinations!

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