Organize Your Closet

Nothing starts a day off on the wrong note faster than when you cannot find the belt that goes with a particular outfit, the other shoe or the right shirt. The average person spends 55 minutes a day looking for misplaced items. Regardless of the size of your closet, having this room organized sets us off ready to face the world.

A closet that is a masterpiece of creative storage will start your day on a positive and time saving note—clothes come out of the closet ready to wear. No ironing or steaming required and you will be able locate any item quickly.

Location, Location, Location

If you have out grown your existing closet, you may have to relocate. My husband and I both enjoy clothes and our closet was crowded. To preserve matrimonial harmony and to give myself more storage space I relocated my closet into a spare room.
If you have the space:

  • Move your closet into an unused spare bedroom.
  • Convert the entire spare room into a closet.
  • Use the existing spare room closet for shoes and boots.
  • Line the bedroom walls with shelves and closet rods.

If you are unable to relocate your closet, you may be able to simply relocate seasonal clothing and rotate the clothes as seasons come and go in order to maximize storage space.

Getting Started

Where do you start? Start off with three easy steps:

  • Begin by removing everything from the closet–it’s the only way to go.
  • Sort clothing and accessories into ‘like’ piles.
  • Once all your clothing is sorted into piles, shoes, boots, belts, pants, and so on, re-sort each pile into a keep it pile, needs