Your Fab Five: Health

Good news about how easy it is to stay healthy is always popular. Check out this collection of health tips that includes information about healthy liquids such as green tea, beer and wine. There’s also some tips on how to foil asthma, keep up on the Omega 3 intake and the best foods to fight cancer.


Omega-3s Without Fish

So you don’t like eating fish—can you just take a pill to get all those healthy omega 3 fatty acids? Yes, but buyer, beware: not all omega 3 supplements are created equal.


4 Ways Green Tea Pays Off

Green tea has been consumed in China for thousands of years as a health-boosting drink. Although its health effects are not yet fully understood, drink green tea for these potential benefits:


6 Ways to Foil Asthma

The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) and its allergist members, doctors who are experts at diagnosing and treating allergies and asthma, know there is no reason to put up with this misery and offer the following tips for survival.


Beer and Wine: Good for Your Bones!

Sure, milk is good for your bones, but it isn’t much fun at cocktail hour. New research is showing that moderate imbibing of spirits can strengthen your bones.


The Anti-Cancer Diet

It’s increasingly clear that certain dietary elements may help promote the development and spread of malignancies, while others slow or block tumour growth. Researchers estimate that at least 35 percent of all cancers may be related to diet. Read on to find out what you should and should not eat to minimize your risks.

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