Irish Stew

This modern take on the traditional Irish recipe uses lean lamb steaks instead of the usual tough, fatty cuts. Use your choice of potatoes and carrots.

Traditional Irish stewPhoto: Shutterstock
Cook Time
2 1/2hours
Cook Time
2 1/2hours
  1. Preheat the oven to 160ºC. In a large casserole dish, make layers of the lamb, potatoes, onion and carrots, sprinkling each layer with parsley, thyme, chives and pepper. Finish with a layer of potatoes, then pour over the stock.
  2. Cover the casserole with a tight-fitting lid and place in the oven to cook for about 2 hours or until both the meat and vegetables feel tender when tested with a skewer.
  3. Increase the oven temperature to 200ºC. Remove the casserole lid and cook for a further 20 minutes or until the potatoes on top are golden-brown and crisp. Serve hot, sprinkled with more thyme and parsley.