Wreath Christmas Cookies

All of the decorating is done when these pretty wreaths come out of the oven. Simply add food colouring to your dough, twist and bake.

Number of servings :

Prep time:

Cooking time:

Type of meal : | Cookies | Cookies

Special diet :


Basic Sugar Cookie Dough
Food colouring (two shades of green)


  1. Prepare dough and divide in two. Tint each with different shades of green food colouring, knead well and chill according to recipe.
  2. Take a small amount of dough and roll with palm on hard surface to create a snake shape. Repeat with the other shade of green dough. Snip both ends of the “snakes” so each green snake is the same size. Twist two green snakes together and gently smush ends to make a circle. Bake according to the recipe and let cool. Tie ribbon bows around the wreaths, if desired.

Nutritional information: