The Secret to Healthy Fat

While saturated and trans fats may be considered the enemy, that doesn’t mean cutting all fat out of your diet is the best way to lose weight or stay healthy. There are actually some fats your body needs. Read on to find out which fats you should start consuming a little more of.

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Fish and Eggs

Fish and Eggs

Unsaturated fatty acids found in foods rich in Omega-3s, have several health benefits. They can help reduce blood pressure and blood triglyceride levels, which may reduce the risk of heart attacks. They can also help prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease and dementia and can help with anxiety and depression, as well.

Olive Oil

This traditional Mediterranean ingredient is not only delicious but the health benefits of this type of fat are also phenomenal. This healthy fat can help reduce cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes – the two major causes of death in North America. Next time you’re preparing a salad, pick up the olive oil instead of the store-bought creamy dressing.


Packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, nuts also contain another type of essential fat: omega-3 fatty acid, ALA. This type of fat is different from the one found in fish. It can increase good cholesterol (HDL) and lower bad cholesterol (LDL). Walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts and macadamia nuts are great examples of nuts with healthy fats your body needs.

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The delicious food contains monounsaturated fat, which has been linked to a reduced risk of breast cancer and other cancers in general. It’s also beneficial to the heart and can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Add some avocado to your salad to make it healthier and tastier at the same time.

Safflower Oil

A polyunsaturated fat like safflower oil can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain types of malignant tumours. This type of fat is also beneficial to the skin because it stimulates cellular renewal. Though high in calories, polyunsaturated fats are essential in small quantities.

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