Police Pulled Over This Car For Driving Too Slowly—and Found No One Inside!

From joyriding picnic tables to ghost passengers, these funny driving stories go off the beaten track.

Funny driving stories - cop car in rearview mirror
Photo: vchal / Shutterstock.com

Funny Driving Stories, Straight From the Headlines!

Cop Pulls Over Robot Car

In November 2015, police in Mountain View, California, pulled over a car for moving too slowly: more than 15 kilometres an hour below the speed limit. But when the cop strolled up to the door, he found there was no one inside to reprimand—the vehicle turned out to be a self-driving Google prototype. The much-publicized incident became a boon for the tech giant’s marketing department. Call it another innovation of our high-tech age: there is now literal truth to the saying, “The engine’s running, but nobody’s behind the wheel.”

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Funny driving stories - woman's foot on gas pedal
Photo: Shutterstock

Student Driver’s First Lesson is a Literal Smash Hit

Some new drivers pass their road tests with flying colours. Others fail with flying glass. One October morning in Bellevue, Washington, a young woman was headed to her final in-car exam. When she arrived at the driving school, she got behind the wheel and attempted to park. Unfortunately, she missed the brake pedal, accidentally slamming on the accelerator instead. The vehicle careened through the front of the building, smashing its plate-glass facade and the rear window of the woman’s Audi, too. Thankfully, there were no injuries—except to the student’s pride.

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Funny driving stories - red traffic light
Photo: Shutterstock

Guys Take Picnic Table Out for Joyride

In November 2016, some young men in Perth, Australia, gave new meaning to the phrase “out to lunch” when they were spotted cruising the streets on a pair of motorized picnic tables. Police were understandably perturbed by the atypical transportation method—the vehicles were unlicensed, unregistered and unsafe. On the plus side, they handled well: despite its primitive steering mechanisms, the puttering furniture manoeuvred through a busy city intersection with ease.

If you enjoyed these funny driving stories, be sure to check out the most hilarious Canadian headlines of all time.

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Originally Published in Reader's Digest Canada

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